Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Jersey Jamcast #1

It's here! The debut episode of the Jersey Jamcast. This episode we feature the music of:

Cold Promise
Lori Malvey
Candy Butchers

Please go to their websites and support them!

Subscribe to the podcast with the links on the left - iTunes has been submitted and will be available soon! UPDATE: I'm in iTunes - just search for "Jersey Jamcast" and you will find the show - or use these instructions: In the meantime if you want to subscribe in iTunes, go to your podcast list, click the Advanced menu, click "subscribe - and put the following in for the feed:

Comments welcome and encouraged! If you are in a band and want to get your music played on the show - email - further information in the posts below.

Direct link to MP3 here:



Comments on "Jersey Jamcast #1"


Blogger Rob S. said ... (1:25 AM) : 

Rob, it sounds great. And you probably know it already, but the opening to that second Amphibians song is also the theme music to Reel Reviews, one of my favorite podcasts.

Bravo, man.


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